How to find the right photographer for you.

In today’s world, you’d think finding a photographer for your family or child’s portraits would be easy and you wouldn’t be wrong. I’d even bet that you can pull up a few friends with Facebook photography pages and get a session scheduled within a week. Piece of cake, right? The truth is, it’s not hard to find someone that would love to take your family’s portraits, but finding the RIGHT photographer takes a bit more effort.

While it may be tempting to choose an available photographer who offers the most and charges the least, this may be indicative of their experience and skill level.  Your family will only be as it is now for a short time and your children’s faces will change without you even realizing it. You want to be sure that the person you’re trusting to capture these future memories is the perfect fit your specific family and its needs.

Here are some helpful and important things to consider:

1. Vision & Style – Not all photographers are the same. Each photographer will have their own style of shooting and editing. Do you have a vision of what your images looks like? Is it in line with this photographer’s portfolio? What about their work draws you to them? Having an idea of what you want your images to look like will really help you narrow your search.

2. Fit – This an essential piece of having a successful session and positive experience. Most professional photographers will do an in-person consultation prior to booking. If not, request one! Think of it like an interview. This gives you the opportunity to talk about your needs and expectations, learn more about the portrait process and their policies, and really, just see if you have a good connection.  What is their communication style? Are they friendly? How do they handle an uncooperative or shy child? The connection between your family and the photographer will make the difference between an amazing experience that will be remembered and cherished for years or one that will leaving you feeling disappointed and dissatisfied.

3. Client Experience – During your consultation, it’s important to get an idea of what you can expect from your session. Is there any part of their service that is different from the next photographer? If you can find reviews online, be sure to read through them thoroughly. This will provide great insight into the creative process and client experience. If have an opportunity to speak with a past client, inquire about their experience and look at their images. Hearing first hand experiences from past clients is one of the best ways to learn about a photographer.

4. Products and Investment – One major thing you will need to determine for is what you want to do with your images after the session is over. Is having tangible heirloom wall art and prints your priority or do you prefer to have digital files for sharing and social media? Does this photographer offer what you’re looking for and at a price you are willing to pay? Quality photography doesn’t have to break the bank, but you can expect to invest a fair amount for the great results.

5. Credentials – While there may be a number of talented photographers to choose from not all photographers are certified professionals.  CPP’s (Certified Professional Photographer) have put in the extra work to set themselves apart in the field and master their craft. Their credentials signify that they have an expertise in the technical aspects of photography like lighting, composition, and editing. Combined with their individual artistry, you can be sure that when you choose a CPP, you are choosing the very best.

Many people know that they “have” to take pictures, but not everyone knows what they want nor do they realize there is more to finding a photographer than price and availability. Using these tips and taking the time to find the right photographer that can help identify and deliver to your needs will make all the difference. Choose wisely!


Feature Session - Maternity Session at the Tulip Farm